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As Christ followers, we know our Lord Jesus wants us to grow towards Him in holiness and grow together in unity.
And we just can't do all of this on a Sunday morning. 


These are smaller communities in which you can share your life, take a next step in discipleship, and grow in service by using your gifts and reaching out to others. And this is a wonderful way to share both the tears and joys of everyday life with brothers and sisters who care about you because they care so much about Jesus. These are communities in which we pray together, laugh together, and grow together in Jesus Christ. 

Our vision is to have everyone at church in a group.

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Where you and I belong!

Community groups are a vital part of discipleship at Grace River. In these smaller communities we can dig in to God's word to learn it for ourselves, encourage one another and apply it to our everyday lives. It is in these smaller communities that relationships can begin and grow as we care for one another in prayer, fellowship, and service. 


Groups meet weekly and meet in Claremont and other locations. We have family friendly groups too. Explore and join a group today. 

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Whether you are very new to following Jesus or have been following Him for years, we all can benefit from a Christian mentor.  

Our one-on-one discipleship will connect you with a Christian of the same gender who is mature in their faith and dedicated to helping you know Jesus more.

We will answer your questions, help you understand the Bible and faith in Jesus, and be a guide to walk with you step by step in following Jesus. 

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This group is perfect for you whether you're new to Christianity, curious about Jesus, or want to know what it means to follow God.  We will help answer your questions, give you foundational truths on the Bible, God, and what it means to be saved in Jesus, help you start reading the Bible and praying, and much more. 

Come and see! You are welcome here. 

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We get together to share our lives, questions, and grow together in Christ and we have a place for you. Make connections with other younger singles and marrieds as we strive to follow Jesus together. 

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